Who should participate?
Our programs are designed to offer educational opportunities to caregivers, community members, school staff or other community providers. Caregivers, parents or guardians who have children struggling with mental, behavioral, emotional, or other health challenges in need of support, guidance, suggestions and/or information regarding special education. If you are a provider or school interested in hosting an education series or partnering with our organization, please contact our Outreach Coordinator, Samantha Getsinger for details. What Programs Do We Offer? the Nurtured Heart Approach The Nurtured Heart Approach ® (NHA) is a curriculum for relationships. It supports adults in relating to children in ways that guide them to use their intensity successfully and positively. Through the NHA, children come to see their intensity as fuel for greatness, not as a deficit or handicap. Originally developed for working with the most challenging children, the NHA works to awaken the greatness inherent in all children. Rather than acting out negatively, children begin to act out their greatness- and adults get to experience the joy of being a highly effective agent of change in the live so children. Loving Solutions: A parent training program designed specifically for parents raising challenging younger children, ages 5-10 years. Using a behavioral model, Loving Solutions is based on cooperative learning norms with group learning activities in a workbook format to maximize both learning and interest. The “Steps of Success” (S.O.S.) home practice assignments create a solid foundation for change in the home. Parents Forever: Research based, educational program for families experiencing divorce, separation, or a change in child custody. Parent Project: “Changing Destructive Adolescent Behavior” is an award-winning intervention model addressing the most destructive of adolescent behaviors. This groundbreaking program address covers it all: truancy, drugs, runaways, media, early teen sex, violence, gangs . . . Parent Project promises concrete answers for every parent question asked. Preparing our Kids for Success: This program is specifically designed to help youth enhance school attendance, reduce truancy and help improve performance. Basic Rights in Special Education: An overview of your students' special education rights throughout their educational journey! CSOC 101: An overview of the Children's System of Care with Q&A. This is offered for providers, community partners and schools OR for Caregivers newly involved and need support navigating the system. Transition Planning: Moving into the adult disability world is not an easy task! This session will make the process less overwhelming! Basics of Self Care: Tips for overwhelmed caregivers and professionals! How to make a self-care plan & more! 8 Dimensions of Wellness: A deeper dive into all aspects of our mental health and wellbeing! Learn how everything in life is inter-connected! Additional Programs included: ABCS of IEPs and 504 plans, Youth Mental Health First Aid Planning, Connections Matter, Early Childhood and so much more! Short Videos for quick viewing The Out of Sync Child Sibling Rivalry |